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A Little Piece of Nostalgia

Nothing beats a little piece of pink and white coconut ice to bring back memories of days out as a child. My sister and I used to love getting a little bag of the sickly sweet treat to take home and share and it would last for ages as it was too much to eat in one go, although we tried our best!

This is a very simple, quick treat to make that doesn't require baking and also uses very little equipment so great to do with children on a rainy day. Don't worry if you don't have any pink food colouring ... little white squares taste just as good.

Coconut Ice

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Refrigeration time: 2 hours

Makes approx. 40 squares


  • 250g condensed milk

  • 325g icing sugar

  • 150g desiccated coconut

  • couple drops pink food colouring


  1. Line an 8" x 8" tin or dish with parchment/baking paper. Don't worry if you haven't quite got that size dish - anything with roughly the same area will do (you can always make your coconut ice squares deeper if you only have a smaller dish).

  2. Add the condensed milk to a bowl with the icing sugar and mix together.

  3. Add your desiccated coconut, a bit at a time until you have a stiff mixture. The mixture should be quite stiff (not too sticky or runny) - if not then add a bit more coconut.

  4. Put half the mixture in your tin or dish and spread out with the back of a metal spoon. This will help with the stickiness!

  5. Add a couple of pink food colouring drops to the remaining half in the bowl and mix until you get an even colour. As you can see I like a more vibrant pink so add less food colouring if you like a pastel pink!

  6. Spread the pink mixture on top of the white and chill in the fridge until it feels firm to the touch.

  7. Slice with a sharp knife and store in an airtight container for up to two weeks. I like to keep it in the fridge so the texture stays firm but if you prefer it a bit softer then you can store it at room temperature. If you are having trouble slicing your coconut ice then run your knife under hot water first.

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